11 Top Tips to Save Money on Food Without Sacrificing Quality

Discover 11 top tips from a price comparison expert on how to save money on food without sacrificing quality or nutrition. From shopping early to cutting food waste, learn how to reduce your grocery bills and make a positive impact on the environment.
11 Top Tips to Save Money on Food Without Sacrificing Quality
Photo by Tiago Faifa on Unsplash

Saving Money on Food: 11 Top Tips from a Price Comparison Expert

As a price comparison expert, I’ve seen firsthand how quickly grocery bills can add up. With food inflation reaching record levels, it’s more important than ever to find ways to save money on your weekly shop. In this article, I’ll share my top 11 tips for reducing your grocery costs without sacrificing quality or nutrition.

Shop Early, Shop Smart

One of the simplest ways to save money on food is to shop early in the morning or early in the week. This ensures that the shelves are fully stocked, and you’re less likely to have to substitute items on your list with more expensive alternatives. Sundays and bank holiday Mondays are definitely days to avoid if you have a big family and like to do a big weekly shop in one go.

Shopping early in the morning can help you avoid crowds and find better deals.

Choose Cheaper Alternatives

Irish households spend more on branded groceries than most of our European neighbours. However, non-branded alternatives are often almost as good and can be a fraction of the price. When it comes to fresh food and drink, the produce has often come from the exact same farm or factory, meaning you’re literally just paying extra for the label.

Don’t Fall for Supermarket Tricks

Supermarkets have lots of cunning little tricks to make you spend more. One well-known trick is placing high-profit items at eye level, making them easy to see and reach. The cheaper products are often on the top or bottom shelf, and harder to reach. So, scan the shelves fully and don’t just buy the items in your line of sight.

Make a List and Stick to It

Ever notice that all your staple items, such as cheese, milk, bread, and cereal, are often in completely opposite corners of the shop, forcing you to wander around more aisles and invariably spend more money? Make a list and stick to it to avoid falling into this trap.

Compare Prices Per Unit

Buying in bulk is usually better value, right? Wrong. Quite often, it can be cheaper to buy items of fruit and veg separately. Compare prices based on unit price or price per unit of measurement to ensure you’re getting the best deal.

Shop Alone

If you’ve got younger kids, it may not be possible to go to the supermarket alone. But if you want to save on your grocery costs, it’s usually best to shop alone. Having a child or two in tow often means you’ll get distracted and be tempted to put something sweet into the trolley.

Use Vouchers and Loyalty Cards

Most supermarkets now have a loyalty programme. Make sure you have these to hand when paying for your shopping to get the best deals.

Shop Local

Get acquainted with your local butcher, greengrocer, florist, and pharmacy. Supermarkets are great for convenience, but they’re not always best for price. Often, it’s cheaper to get your meat, veg, or beauty products in the local butcher, grocer, or pharmacy down the road. Plus, you’ll be supporting your local high street.

Buy Less Meat

I’m not saying you have to become a vegetarian or go vegan, but eating a bit less meat each week will be good for your diet, your pocket, and the environment. Consider making a healthy soup with leftover veg in the fridge or adding eggs to meals instead of meat.

Cut Food Waste

Reducing food waste will mean fewer trips to the supermarket. Buy some good quality, air-tight containers for things like pasta, cereal, crackers, and coffee to keep these items fresher for longer. Potatoes should be kept in a cool, dark place, ideally under 10C, otherwise, the light and warmth will cause them to photosynthesize and sprout.

Reducing food waste can help you save money and reduce your environmental impact.

By following these 11 top tips, you can save money on your grocery bills without sacrificing quality or nutrition. Remember to shop smart, choose cheaper alternatives, and avoid supermarket tricks to get the best deals.