4 Delicious and Affordable Ways to Boost Your Collagen Intake

Discover four budget-friendly ways to increase your collagen intake and improve your overall health, from bone broth to oily fish and more.
4 Delicious and Affordable Ways to Boost Your Collagen Intake
Photo by Carissa Gan on Unsplash

Boost Your Health with Collagen: 4 Budget-Friendly Ways to Get More

Collagen is an essential protein that plays a vital role in maintaining healthy skin, hair, nails, and joints. While many people resort to expensive supplements, there are several budget-friendly ways to increase your collagen intake. In this article, we’ll explore four affordable food and drink tips to help you boost your collagen levels and improve your overall health.

Bone Broth: A Delicious and Nutritious Way to Get Collagen

Rich in collagen and other essential nutrients, bone broth is one of the most cost-effective ways to get your fix. Plus, whipping up a broth from a leftover roast chicken carcass creates an extra meal to feed the family. Simply break the bones, plus any skin or leftover meat, into a large pan of water and add a halved onion, plus a couple of bay leaves, seasoning, and simmer for around an hour with a lid on.

Homemade bone broth is a great way to get collagen into your diet

Oily Fish: A Tasty Source of Marine Collagen

More affordable foods to add to your diet are sardines and mackerel. Nutritionist Jenna Hope says, “Oily fish contains marine collagen and is also high in omega-3, which further supports skin health.”

Try smoked mackerel, which tastes delicious flaked over a tomato and cucumber salad. Or add sardines to a basic tomato pasta dish.

Add sardines to your pasta for a collagen-rich meal

Garlic: A Flavorful Way to Support Collagen Production

This food flavoring contains sulphur, which not only supports collagen production but also helps prevent it from breaking down. One large bulb is 55p from Tesco, but buying in bulk is better value. It’s easy to add garlic to cooking sauces, plus it packs in more flavor.

Garlic is a flavorful way to support collagen production

Vitamin C: Boost Your Collagen Production Naturally

You can boost your natural production of collagen by getting your fix of Vitamin C, says Jenna. She adds, “Citrus fruits are well known for vitamin C, however, fruits such as kiwi and strawberries are particularly high in Vitamin C too.”

Try adding kiwi and strawberries to your diet to support collagen production.

Kiwi and strawberries are high in Vitamin C, which supports collagen production