5 Surprising Storage Hacks to Keep Your Fruit Fresher for Longer

Discover the secret to keeping your fruit fresh for longer with these 5 surprising storage hacks. From bananas to strawberries, and from avocados to tomatoes, learn how to reduce food waste and save money on your grocery bill.
5 Surprising Storage Hacks to Keep Your Fruit Fresher for Longer
Photo by Food Photographer | Jennifer Pallian on Unsplash

5 Surprising Storage Hacks to Keep Your Fruit Fresher for Longer

Are you tired of throwing away spoiled fruit? Do you find yourself constantly buying fresh produce only to have it go bad within days? You’re not alone. According to a recent study, an estimated 1.4 million bananas are thrown away every day in the UK alone! But what if I told you there are some clever storage tricks that can help prolong the shelf life of your fruit?

As a food enthusiast, I’ve always been fascinated by the art of food preservation. And today, I’m excited to share with you five surprising storage hacks to keep your fruit fresher for longer. From bananas to strawberries, and from avocados to tomatoes, these tips will help you reduce food waste and save money on your grocery bill.

Bananas: The Brown Paper Bag Trick

Did you know that storing bananas in the fridge is the best way to keep them fresh? While the skins may turn brown, the banana inside will remain fresh for up to two weeks. But here’s the catch: you need to store them in a brown paper bag and tie the top to prevent that strong banana smell from permeating your entire fridge.

Fresh bananas for days!

Strawberries: The Cinnamon Stick Hack

Strawberries are notorious for their short shelf life. But did you know that a common kitchen spice - cinnamon sticks - can help extend their shelf life? The chemicals in cinnamon combat fruit decay, so adding a couple of sticks to your berry tray can keep them fresh for longer. Even used cinnamon sticks can be repurposed for this, just ensure they’re dried before reuse.

Sweet strawberries for days!

Avocados: The Onion Trick

Avocados can be pricey, so it’s essential to get the most out of them. To preserve them longer, especially once they’ve been halved, try storing them in an airtight container with chopped onions. This will keep them fresh and green for much longer.

Guacamole for days!

Tomatoes: The Upside-Down Trick

Tomatoes might seem like a natural fit for the fridge, but this can actually ruin their flavour and texture. Instead, store them at room temperature, and place them upside down with the stem side on a plate to minimise air exposure and evaporation.

Fresh tomatoes for days!

Apples: The Salt Water Trick

While apples generally have a long shelf life, once they’re cut, they can brown quickly. To avoid this, immerse them in salt water. Salt acts as a preservative, and adding a smidgen of salt to the soaking water can keep the apple slices looking fresh. Dissolve a quarter teaspoon of salt into a cup of water, add the apple slices, let them soak for one-three minutes, then drain and rinse.

Crunchy apples for days!

There you have it - five surprising storage hacks to keep your fruit fresher for longer. Try them out and see how much food you can save!