5 Ways to Save on Food as Grocery Prices Continue to Rise

Rising grocery prices can be a significant burden on your wallet. Here are 5 ways to save on food, from meal prep to utilizing food banks.
5 Ways to Save on Food as Grocery Prices Continue to Rise

Grocery Prices Eating Your Wallet? Here Are 5 Ways To Save On Food

While inflation prices have been steadily declining over the last year, you (and your wallet) have probably noticed the one place where prices seem to keep rising: the grocery store. Grocery prices have continued to rise, and according to analysts, the prices aren’t going to decline anytime soon.

Stop Eating Out

Fast Food prices, which have long offered a value option for many to get food on the go for cheap, have seen prices rise dramatically over the past couple of years. Infamously, McDonald’s was recently seen selling a single hashbrown for 3 dollars. That is ridiculously expensive for something so small, especially considering you can buy an entire bag of potatoes for nearly the same price. The Wendy’s $4 for 4 has been abolished, and Big Macs are now $18 in some areas. Eating out is just not economical.

Fast Food Prices on the Rise

Meal Prep

Stop wasting your money on cheap food and start packing/preparing your food ahead. Meal prep gives you the ability to prepare your food ahead of time to have it ready for wherever you go while saving money by getting multiple uses out of the same meal. Here is a quick guide on how to start meal prepping, as well as some foods to prep well.

Meal Prep for Savings

Bread Is Bread, No Matter the Shape

This was the most interesting recommendation I came across. This thread on Reddit started when someone noticed that hamburger buns were significantly cheaper than a loaf of bread for only a little less amount in the bag ($1.70 for 14oz and $3.79 for 20oz).

Bread Is Bread, No Matter the Shape

Freeze Your Food

One such item you can look into freezing is bread. Putting your meal prep, bread, or other leftovers in the freezer preserves it for extended periods. This allows you to get long-term use out of one item, even if you are only using it periodically.

Freeze Your Food for Later

Use The Flashfood App

The Flashfood App is an app where stores post food items about to pass their sell-by or expiration dates and sell them for a steep discount. These items are placed in a specific Flashfood freezer usually located at the front of the store where users can view what is currently in the freezer, which can be pricey items like beef, and shoppers can purchase the items directly through the app.

Flashfood App for Discounts

Utilize Food Banks

My last tip is one you may already know about or maybe doing but is one that people may not consider. Go to your local food bank! You won’t find gourmet meals by any means, but what you will find are staple items like pasta, canned meats, vegetables, rice, etc that can be kept for extended periods and can be used in many different meals.

Food Banks for Savings