6 Grocery Swaps That Will Cut Your Budget in Half

Cut your grocery bill in half with these six simple swaps that will save you money without sacrificing flavor or nutrition.
6 Grocery Swaps That Will Cut Your Budget in Half
Photo by Anda Ambrosini on Unsplash

Work Smarter, Not Harder: 6 Money-Saving Grocery Swaps You Need to Try

Are you tired of feeling like your grocery budget is getting out of control? With prices rising left and right, it can be overwhelming to try and save money on the things you need. But what if we told you there was a way to save money without sacrificing your favorite foods?

Our team of food experts has rounded up six money-saving grocery swaps that you can incorporate into your shopping list. From broth to milk, and from tomato sauce to granola, we’ve got you covered.

Swap 1: Ditch the Boxed Broth for Better Than Bouillon

Get the most out of your broth with this customizable paste

Boxed broth is a pantry staple in many kitchens, but it can be a real money-sucker. Not only does it take up valuable shelf space, but it often goes to waste. That’s why we recommend swapping it out for Better Than Bouillon, a customizable paste that lets you make exactly the amount you need. Plus, it’s more cost-effective in the long run.

Swap 2: Powdered Milk is the Way to Go

![Powdered Milk](_search_image powdered milk) Save money and reduce waste with powdered milk

How many times have you bought a carton of milk only to let it expire? Powdered milk is the answer to your dairy prayers. It’s more expensive upfront, but it lasts longer and reduces waste. Plus, it’s perfect for adding a creamy touch to your coffee or oatmeal.

Swap 3: V8 is the Secret to Affordable Tomato Sauce

Use V8 for a more affordable and nutritious tomato sauce alternative

Canned tomato sauce can be a real budget-buster, especially if you’re using it frequently. But what if we told you there was a way to get the same flavor without breaking the bank? Our Senior Food Director swears by V8 as a tomato sauce alternative. Not only is it cheaper, but it’s also packed with nutrients from other vegetables.

Swap 4: Frozen Fruit is the New Fresh

![Frozen Fruit](_search_image frozen fruit) Get the same nutrition and flavor at a fraction of the cost

We all know that frozen fruit is often cheaper than fresh, but did you know it’s also superior in terms of flavor and nutrition? Frozen fruit is picked at peak ripeness, so it has more nutrients and a better taste. Plus, it’s pre-chopped, which saves you time in the kitchen.

Swap 5: Oats are the Answer to Homemade Granola

![Oats](_search_image oats) Make your own granola at a fraction of the cost

Granola can be a costly breakfast or snack option, but what if you could make your own at a fraction of the cost? Oats are the answer. With a little creativity, you can make your own homemade granola that’s tailored to your taste preferences.

Swap 6: Yogurt is the Sour Cream Alternative You Never Knew You Needed

![Yogurt](_search_image yogurt) Get the same tangy flavor without the hefty price tag

Sour cream is a staple in many kitchens, but it can be expensive. That’s why we recommend swapping it out for yogurt. Not only is it cheaper, but it’s also more versatile. Use it in recipes, as a dip, or as a base for smoothies.

With these six money-saving grocery swaps, you can save money without sacrificing flavor or nutrition. So go ahead, give them a try, and watch your grocery bill shrink.