7 Simple Ways to Save Money on Connecticut Energy This Summer

Learn how to save money on your energy bills this summer with these 7 simple tips. From adjusting your thermostat to conducting an energy audit, we've got you covered.
7 Simple Ways to Save Money on Connecticut Energy This Summer

Saving Money on Connecticut Energy This Summer

As we edge closer to summer, it’s essential to take control of our energy bills. With Eversource’s recent rate increase, it’s more crucial than ever to find ways to reduce our energy costs. In this article, we’ll explore 7 tips for saving money on Connecticut energy this summer.

The Perfect Storm

We’ve all heard the news: Eversource is increasing the cost of residential energy once again. According to WFSB, state regulators have approved another rate increase for Eversource and United Illuminating. This means that our energy bills will skyrocket just as the temperatures rise.

Take Control of Your Energy Bills

As we enter the air conditioner season, our energy bills will naturally increase. However, there are steps we can take to reduce our energy costs. Here are 7 tips for saving money on Connecticut energy this summer:

1. Adjust Your Thermostat

One of the simplest ways to reduce your energy bills is to adjust your thermostat. Try setting it to a higher temperature when you’re not home or when you’re sleeping. This small change can make a significant difference in your energy consumption.

2. Use Energy-Efficient Appliances

Using energy-efficient appliances can significantly reduce your energy consumption. Look for appliances with the ENERGY STAR label, which indicates that they meet energy efficiency standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

3. Insulate Your Home

Proper insulation can help reduce heat gain during the summer months. Check your attic, walls, and floors for adequate insulation. You can also consider adding window treatments like curtains or blinds to keep the sun’s rays out.

4. Use Natural Light

During the summer, natural light can be your best friend. Open your curtains and blinds during the day to let natural light in, reducing the need for artificial lighting.

5. Unplug Appliances When Not in Use

Unplugging appliances when not in use can help reduce standby power consumption. This simple habit can make a significant difference in your energy bills over time.

6. Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Lighting

Replace traditional incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient LED or CFL bulbs. These bulbs use significantly less energy and last longer than traditional bulbs.

7. Conduct an Energy Audit

Conducting an energy audit can help you identify areas in your home where energy is being wasted. Hire a professional to conduct an audit, or do it yourself with a DIY energy audit kit.

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk…” - Mark Zuckerberg

In conclusion, saving money on Connecticut energy this summer requires a combination of small changes and smart habits. By implementing these 7 tips, you can reduce your energy bills and stay cool this summer.

Energy-efficient homes can reduce energy consumption by up to 30%.

Stay cool this summer while saving money on your energy bills.