Are You Missing Out on £19 Billion in Unclaimed Benefits?

Discover how you could be eligible for a share of £19 billion in unclaimed benefits. Take the first step towards claiming the cash you're eligible for today.
Are You Missing Out on £19 Billion in Unclaimed Benefits?

Could You Be Missing Out on £19 Billion in Unclaimed Benefits?

As the cost of living in the UK continues to rise, many of us are struggling to make ends meet. But did you know that you could be eligible for extra money through benefits? In fact, it’s estimated that a staggering £19 billion in benefits goes unclaimed every year.

According to Martin Lewis’ Money Saving Expert, around 21 million households could be eligible for extra cash, but don’t claim it. The good news is that it’s easier than ever to check if you’re eligible, thanks to a simple 10-minute benefits calculator.

Check if you’re eligible for extra cash

Many people assume that benefits are only for those who are out of work, but this isn’t always the case. In fact, around 40% of Universal Credit claimants are in work, but still struggle to get by. And with the recent 6.7% increase in benefit payments, more people than ever could be eligible for support.

So, who can claim benefits? Well, it’s not just for those who are out of work. If you’re earning but still struggling to make ends meet, you could be eligible for support. And if you have children, caring responsibilities, or a long-term health condition, there may be additional help available.

“Benefits were increased by 6.7% last week, impacting the incomes of millions of people, including many who are in work.” -

The benefits calculator is quick and easy to use, and could help you identify potential benefits that you’re eligible for. And with the cost of living continuing to rise, every little bit counts.

The cost of living in the UK is rising rapidly

So, what are you waiting for? Take the first step towards claiming the benefits you’re eligible for today. You never know, you could be missing out on thousands of pounds in unclaimed benefits.

You could be eligible for thousands of pounds in unclaimed benefits