Banish Summer Pests: 5 Cheap Ways to Keep Insects Out of Your Home

Keep your home pest-free this summer with these 5 cheap ways to banish fruit flies and ants.
Banish Summer Pests: 5 Cheap Ways to Keep Insects Out of Your Home

Banish Summer Pests: 5 Cheap Ways to Keep Insects Out of Your Home

As the weather warms up, our homes can become a haven for pesky fruit flies and ants. But don’t let these mini-critters take over! With these simple, low-cost deterrents, you can keep your home pest-free without breaking the bank.

The Power of Apple Cider Vinegar

In the battle against fruit flies, a slug of apple-cider vinegar should be top of your list. Place the vinegar in the bottom of a glass, cover it with clingfilm held in place with an elastic band, and prick the film with a pin to create tiny holes. The flies will be enticed into the sweet-smelling vinegar.

Fruit flies can’t resist the sweet smell of apple cider vinegar

Essential Oils to the Rescue

Fruit flies may love the smell of apples, but they hate the scents of peppermint, lavender, and cloves. Keep a bunch of lavender close by, or soak cotton wool balls in these essential oils and leave them out in places plagued by the mini flies.

Lavender is a natural deterrent for fruit flies

Keep Your Kitchen Clean

A full fruit bowl is a lovely sight, but leaving it out on the worktop could be the cause of your fruit fly problems. They will head straight for ripe fruit and vegetables and find a spot for laying their eggs. Instead, keep ripe fruit in the fridge.

Clean Up, Clean Up

Another trick for keeping fruit flies at bay is to keep your kitchen clean. Wash out wine bottles and glasses as soon as you have finished with them. Clean pots and pans rather than leaving them on the worktop, and rinse plates and put them in the dishwasher straight after a meal.

Ant Attack

For ants, keep kitchen cupboards clean, with crumbs cleared away and sticky jars wiped down. For an extra line of defense, put a trail of curry powder, pepper, or cinnamon anywhere that ants might be getting in. The strong, spicy smell confuses them. They also hate the smell of mint. Put a few drops of peppermint essential oil on a cotton wool ball and then wipe it over ant entry points.

Keep ants at bay with these simple tricks

By following these simple, low-cost deterrents, you can keep your home pest-free and enjoy a peaceful summer.