Beat the Heat: 3 Ways to Save on Energy Bills This Summer

Make the most of the low energy tariffs this summer with these three key ways to save on energy bills. From switching to fixed rates to reducing your power usage, we've got you covered.
Beat the Heat: 3 Ways to Save on Energy Bills This Summer
Photo by Leio McLaren on Unsplash

Three Key Ways to Save on Energy Bills This Summer

The recent drop in energy prices has brought a sigh of relief to millions of people across the country. With the new energy price cap from Ofgem at its lowest level in three years, it’s an excellent opportunity to save money on energy bills. In this article, we’ll explore three key ways to make the most of this summer’s low energy tariffs and reduce your energy bills even further.

Should I Stick or Switch?

With energy bills falling sharply, many suppliers are offering a variety of deals to entice more customers. According to energy expert James Longley, fixed rates can give customers peace of mind and provide lots of choice in terms of start and end dates. However, Longley also warns that fixed rates can mean missing out on falling energy prices when you’re already under contract.

  • 困Typical energy bills have fallen by £122 from this month.*

Some suppliers, like Octopus Energy, are offering 12 months at the present lower rate with no exit fees, while others, like Ecotricity, are offering up to 9% below the April cap, but require a smart meter.

Maximise Airflow

As temperatures rise this summer, it’s essential to keep your home cool without breaking the bank. Longley advises against opening all windows, as this can let hot air in. Instead, he recommends opening different windows around the house in small doses to let the breeze flow through.

Cold fans are another excellent addition to your cooling arsenal. Just be sure to use them in rooms you’re occupying, and avoid leaving them on in unoccupied rooms.

  • Cold fans can be an effective way to keep your home cool.*

Reduce Your Power Usage

Longley also suggests maintaining the heating off and finding ways to reduce your power usage during peak hours of the day. This can include simple lifestyle changes like switching off appliances when not in use, rather than leaving them on standby.

Longer-term solutions include removing your gas boiler or installing solar panels. While these may require a more significant initial investment, they can lead to substantial savings in the long run.

  • Installing solar panels can be a great way to reduce your energy bills.*

By following these three key ways to save on energy bills this summer, you can make the most of the low energy tariffs and reduce your energy bills even further. Remember to always shop around for the best deals, and don’t be afraid to make those simple lifestyle changes that can add up to big savings over time.