Beat the Heat: 5 Fun and Affordable Ice Play Ideas for Kids

Discover five fun and affordable ice play ideas to keep your kids cool and entertained this summer. From freeze toys to fizzy science, these activities are perfect for developing problem-solving skills, encouraging creativity, and making memories.
Beat the Heat: 5 Fun and Affordable Ice Play Ideas for Kids
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Beat the Heat: 5 Fun and Affordable Ice Play Ideas for Kids

As the temperature rises, keeping kids cool and entertained can be a challenge. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are five fun and affordable ice play ideas to keep your little ones engaged and active this summer.

Freeze Toys

Pop small plastic figures such as animals or Lego figures in Tupperware boxes and fill with water before freezing. Encourage kids to “rescue” their toys from the ice using toy hammers or wooden picks. You can also use water in a spray bottle to help melt the ice. This activity is not only fun but also helps develop problem-solving skills.

Frozen fun for kids

Colour Blocks

Ice cubes make for a great sensory activity for small children. Simply pop a few drops of food colouring into the water before freezing. Encourage little ones to create a rainbow or different patterns out of the blocks before they melt. This activity is perfect for developing fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Rainbow colours

Ice Art

Flowers such as daisies and dandelions look pretty when frozen. Ask children to pick their favourite items from the garden and arrange them in plastic tubs or cube trays. Then, top with water, pop in the freezer, and leave overnight. Each ice cube will look like a little work of art.

Nature’s beauty


Give a classic activity a new spin. Make a block of ice (by freezing a large plastic box of water) then let your kids use the ice as a blank canvas for painting. This activity is perfect for encouraging creativity and self-expression.

Artistic expression

Fizzy Science

Create a fun science experiment for your kids with ice. Fill an ice cube tray with water and add a teaspoon of baking soda to each cube and freeze overnight. Empty the cubes onto a big tray and add a little vinegar. The baking soda reacts with the vinegar to create fizzing and gas that kids will love.

Science fun

And, as a special treat, Co-op’s loyalty scheme members can grab a fakeaway feast for less. So, why not try out these fun and affordable ice play ideas and make this summer one to remember?

Co-op’s Loyalty Scheme: A Sweet Deal for Families

Co-op’s loyalty scheme is a great way for families to save money on their everyday essentials. With exclusive discounts and offers, you can enjoy a fakeaway feast for less. So, why not sign up today and start saving?

Co-op’s loyalty scheme