Beat the Heat and Save Money This Summer

Stay cool and save cash this summer with these money-saving tips. From finding dress dupes online to adjusting your thermostat, we've got you covered.
Beat the Heat and Save Money This Summer
Photo by Whitney Wright on Unsplash

Beat the Heat and Save Money This Summer

As the summer months approach, many of us are bracing ourselves for the heat. But did you know that extreme heat can be more than just uncomfortable - it can be deadly? According to the National Weather Service, extreme heat causes more deaths each year than any other weather event.

So, how can you beat the heat and save on your utility bill? One savvy mum, known as MoneyMum on Instagram, has shared her secret trick to finding dress dupes online. By taking a screenshot of the desired dress and uploading it to Amazon search, you can find a similar outfit for a fraction of the price. This has saved her hundreds of pounds over the years!

But that’s not all. By making a few simple changes to your daily routine, you can save money on your energy bills. For example, washing your clothes in cold water can save you £60 a year. And by switching to LED light bulbs, you can save £225 a year.

Beat the heat and save money this summer

Another way to save money is by adjusting your thermostat. By setting the temperature to 78 degrees when you’re home and 82 degrees when you’re away, you can save 5% on your monthly cooling costs. And don’t forget to turn off your ceiling fan when you leave the room - it can save you up to 15% on your utility bill.

Adjust your thermostat to save money

But it’s not just about saving money - it’s also about being comfortable in your own home. By making a few simple changes, you can stay cool and save cash this summer.

Stay cool and save cash this summer

In addition to these tips, state workers can also win up to $10,000 for ideas to save Washington state money. The Secretary of State’s Office has relaunched its employee incentive program, which rewards employee proposals that increase government efficiency and save the state money.

State workers can win up to $10,000 for ideas to save Washington state money

So, whether you’re a savvy mum or a state worker, there are plenty of ways to save money and stay cool this summer. By making a few simple changes to your daily routine and taking advantage of employee incentive programs, you can beat the heat and save cash.

Beat the heat and save cash this summer