Beat the Heat: How to Save Money on Your Energy Bill This Summer

Save money on your energy bill this summer with these simple tips. From maintaining your air conditioner to taking advantage of sales, learn how to enjoy the summer without breaking the bank.
Beat the Heat: How to Save Money on Your Energy Bill This Summer
Photo by USGS on Unsplash

Save Money on Your Energy Bill This Summer

A high energy bill in the summer is one of those things that you know is coming but are never quite ready for. While it may be tempting to turn off your A/C to lower that bill, you could be doing more harm than good.

Maintaining your air conditioner is key to saving money on your energy bill.

According to Wayne Morrison with Reliant Energy, turning off your air conditioner when you leave your home is not the best solution. Instead, try using the “Four-by-Four” rule: If you’re going to be gone for more than four hours, turn your thermostat up four degrees. This way, your A/C isn’t cooling your home from scratch.

Additionally, adjusting your ceiling fan to turn counterclockwise can help circulate a breeze in your home as well. And, washing machines, dryers, and other appliances that add heat and humidity to your home can be delayed to later in the day to reduce strain on your A/C.

Delay using heat-producing appliances to reduce strain on your A/C.

McWilliams & Aon HVAC Training Director Andrew Hall suggests that keeping your A/C in good shape is vital to saving you money. A bad one, plus East Texas heat, can be an expensive problem.

Maintaining your air conditioner can help reduce your energy bill.

To keep your A/C running smoothly, make sure to clean the outdoor coils, flush those drain lines, and change the filter every month. You can also check the filter at least once a month.

“Extended run time is always going to put more wear and tear on your system.” - Andrew Hall

Canada Day Deals

If you’re looking for ways to save money while still enjoying your summer, Roots is having a huge sale with up to 50% off 100s of items ahead of Canada Day. You can shop sweats, bags, and more at huge discounts.

Shop Roots’ Canada Day sale for huge discounts on sweats, bags, and more.

And, if you’re planning a trip to Spain, take advantage of Martin Lewis’ simple tip to save money on clothes. Zara’s Spanish stores have lower prices than their UK outlets, so stock up on your favorite items while you’re abroad.

Shop Zara’s Spanish stores for lower prices on your favorite items.

By following these simple tips, you can save money on your energy bill and enjoy the summer without breaking the bank.

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