Beat the Heat: How to Save Money on Your Utility Bill This Summer

Learn how to save money on your utility bill this summer with these simple tips and tricks. From killing 'energy vampires' to pre-cooling your home, we've got you covered.
Beat the Heat: How to Save Money on Your Utility Bill This Summer

As the summer months approach, many of us are looking for ways to save money on our utility bills. One way to do this is by being mindful of our energy usage and taking steps to reduce it. In this article, we’ll explore some tips for keeping your utility bill manageable this summer.

Killing ‘Energy Vampires’

Did you know that some electronics in your home continue to use energy even when they’re turned off? These are known as ’energy vampires,’ and they can add up to 10% of your home’s energy use. To combat this, try completely unplugging devices when they’re not in use, adjusting the power settings on your computer and TV, and plugging items that don’t need to stay on 24/7 into a power strip and switching them off when not needed.

Pre-Cooling Your Home

Another way to save energy is by pre-cooling your home. Set your thermostat to a comfortable level in the 70s, and then turn it up to 78 degrees (or a little higher if your health can handle it) between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. This can help reduce your energy usage during peak hours.

Closing Blinds and Curtains

A simple, low-tech way to help cool your home is by keeping blinds and curtains closed during the hottest parts of the day. This can help block out direct sunlight and keep your home cooler.

Running Appliances at the Right Times

Washers, dryers, dishwashers, and ovens use a lot of electricity, so try to avoid running them during peak hours. Instead, run them during off-peak hours when energy rates are lower.

Taking Advantage of Cool Zones

If it gets super hot this summer, consider taking advantage of the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency’s Cool Zone program. This program provides free, air-conditioned spots in dozens of locations, such as libraries and community centers, where you can escape the heat.

Staying Informed

Stay up-to-date on the latest news and updates on energy usage and conservation. Follow reputable sources such as the U.S. Department of Energy and the Natural Resources Defense Council for tips and advice on reducing your energy usage.

Energy efficiency is key to reducing your utility bill

By following these tips, you can help reduce your energy usage and save money on your utility bill this summer. Remember to stay informed and take advantage of programs like the Cool Zone program to stay cool and comfortable during the hot summer months.

Stay cool and comfortable this summer

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