Beat the Heat: Simple Swaps to Save Money on Your Electric Bill This Summer

Learn how to save money on your electric bill this summer with these simple tips and swaps.
Beat the Heat: Simple Swaps to Save Money on Your Electric Bill This Summer

Saving Money on Your Electric Bill: Simple Swaps for a Cooler Summer

As the temperatures rise, so do our electric bills. It’s a frustrating reality, but one that can be mitigated with a few simple changes to our daily habits. In this article, we’ll explore some easy tips to help you save money on your electric bill this summer.

Switch to LEDs for Long-Term Savings

One of the easiest ways to start saving money is by switching to LED light bulbs. Yes, they may be more expensive upfront, but they use about 85% less electricity than traditional bulbs. And, after just nine months, the savings will have paid for themselves.

LED light bulbs use significantly less electricity than traditional bulbs

Water Changes to Cut Down on Your Bill

Hot water is the second-largest draw on electricity in our homes, after lighting and big electronics like refrigerators. By making a few simple changes to our water usage, we can cut down on our electric bill.

  • Switch to a low-flow shower head to reduce water usage
  • Cut your shower time by two minutes to save even more
  • Lower your water heater temperature to 120 degrees

Low-flow shower heads can help reduce water usage

A/C Thermostat Settings to Save You Money

Your air conditioner is one of the biggest contributors to your electric bill. By adjusting your thermostat, you can save up to 10% on your bill. Try setting it to 74-78 degrees to start seeing the savings.

A smart thermostat can help you save time and money

Check for Leaks and Seal Them Up

Leaks around your windows and doors can let cool air escape, making your A/C work harder and increasing your bill. Check for leaks and seal them up with pressure-sensitive weather strips.

Pressure-sensitive weather strips can help seal up leaks

More Tips to Save You Money

  • Do large loads of laundry instead of multiple small ones
  • Keep your fridge at 35-37 degrees to keep your food safe and your bill low

By implementing these simple changes, you can start saving money on your electric bill this summer. Remember, every little bit counts, and these small swaps can add up to make a big difference.

“The outside, high temperatures will directly impact how much energy you use,” says Shelley Ragsdale of FPL. “It really affects how much your A/C is running and it works double time to keep your home cool.”

Take control of your electric bill this summer and start saving today!