Beat the Heat: Simple Swaps to Save Money on Your Electric Bill This Summer

Stay cool and save money this summer with these simple tips to reduce your electric bill. From switching to LEDs to adjusting your thermostat, we've got you covered.
Beat the Heat: Simple Swaps to Save Money on Your Electric Bill This Summer

Saving Money on Your Electric Bill: Simple Swaps for a Cooler Summer

As the temperatures rise, so do our electric bills. But fear not, dear readers! With a few simple switches and adjustments, you can save money on your electric bill and stay cool this summer.

Switch to LEDs for Long-Term Savings

We’ve all heard it before: turning off the lights when you leave a room can cut down on your bill. But did you know that switching to LEDs can save you even more in the long run? Yes, they may be more expensive upfront, but after just nine months, the savings start to add up. LEDs use a whopping 85% less electricity than traditional bulbs!

Water Changes for a Cooler Summer

After lighting and big electronics like your refrigerator, hot water is the second largest draw on electricity. So, what can you do to reduce your water usage?

  • Switch to a lower-flow shower head
  • Cut your shower time by two minutes
  • Lower your water heater to 120 degrees

These small changes can make a big difference in your electric bill.

A/C Thermostat Hacks

Your air conditioner is one of the biggest energy-suckers in your home. But by making a few simple adjustments, you can save up to 10% on your bill!

  • Set your thermostat between 74 and 78 degrees
  • Consider investing in a smart thermostat that adjusts based on when you’re home
  • Check for leaks around your windows and doors and seal them with pressure-sensitive weather strips

More Tips for a Cooler Summer

  • Do large loads of laundry in cool water instead of hot
  • Keep your fridge at a cool but not too cold temperature (35-37 degrees is ideal)
  • Check your home for leaks and seal them up tight

By following these simple tips, you can save money on your electric bill and stay cool this summer. And if you’re looking for more ways to save, consider signing up for a free home audit with your energy provider.

Stay cool and save money this summer!

Make your home more energy efficient with these simple tips

More money-saving tips for a cooler summer