Don't Let the Heat Get to Your Car Battery: Simple Tips to Save You Money

Learn how to protect your car battery from the heat this summer with these simple and effective tips.
Don't Let the Heat Get to Your Car Battery: Simple Tips to Save You Money
Photo by jcob nasyr on Unsplash

Beat the Heat: How to Protect Your Car Battery This Summer

As the UK basks in the warmth of summer, motorists are being warned about the dangers of leaving their cars out in the sun. High temperatures can cause battery fluid to evaporate, leading to permanent damage and an expensive repair bill. But fear not, dear drivers! There are simple steps you can take to prevent this from happening.

Parking in shaded areas can significantly reduce the internal temperature and protect your engine components.

According to James Jackson from Bumper, parking in shaded areas is a great way to keep your car battery safe from the heat. If that’s not possible, investing in a sun shield can also do the trick. Learn more about how to protect your car from the sun.

“High temperatures can be just as detrimental to your car battery as cold weather,” James said. “When the temperature rises, so does the risk of battery fluid evaporation, which can lead to permanent damage.”

The Importance of Regular Inspections

Monitoring your battery’s condition is crucial, especially during heatwaves. The engine bay can become incredibly hot, particularly under the bonnet, where heat accumulates rapidly. This stresses the battery, potentially leading to corrosion of the lead plates and reduced efficiency.

Regular inspections and keeping the terminals clean are vital preventive measures.

“Parking your car in shaded areas or using sun shields can significantly reduce the internal temperature and protect your engine components,” James added. “It’s a simple yet effective step to prevent overheating and ensure your car remains reliable during hot weather.”

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late

Typically, a car battery lasts three to five years, but exposure to extreme heat can shorten its lifespan. If your battery is older or showing signs of strain, such as difficulty starting the car or dimming lights, it might be time for a replacement before it fails when needed.

Regular maintenance can save you a lot of trouble in the long run.

“We remind Brits that a proactive approach to car maintenance can save a lot of trouble,” James said. “Simple steps like checking the battery during routine oil changes and using products like windscreen shields can significantly improve your car’s performance during a heatwave.”

By following these simple tips, you can ensure your car remains safe and reliable throughout the summer months. So, don’t wait until it’s too late – take action today and protect your car battery from the heat!