Drip, Drip, Hooray! 11 Ways to Save Water and Money

Discover 11 ways to cut your water bills and do your part for the environment. From simple changes like turning off the tap while brushing your teeth to installing low-flow shower heads, every small change counts.
Drip, Drip, Hooray! 11 Ways to Save Water and Money
Photo by Jernej Graj on Unsplash

Saving Water, Saving Money: 11 Ways to Cut Your Water Bills

As the UK faces a potential 49% increase in water bills by 2030, it’s more important than ever to take control of our water usage. According to experts, homes could save up to £300 a year by making a few simple changes. But where do we start?

Caption: Every small change counts when it comes to saving water

First, let’s take a look at the statistics. A staggering 88% of adults admit to wasting water, with 34% leaving the tap running while brushing their teeth and 38% taking longer showers than necessary. It’s clear that we need to make some changes, and fast.

One of the easiest ways to start saving water is to switch to a dual flush toilet. This simple change could save you up to £109 per year. And if you’re feeling adventurous, why not try installing a low-flow shower head? This could save you a further £94 per year.

But it’s not just about the big changes. Simply turning off the tap while brushing your teeth could save you £37 per year, and fixing a leaking toilet could save you a whopping £236 annually.

Caption: Low-flow shower heads can make a big difference to your water bill

Of course, it’s not just about saving money. By making these changes, we’re also doing our part for the environment. As Thierry Garnier, CEO of Kingfisher, puts it: “Avoiding water waste isn’t just the right thing to do from an environmental point of view, it’s also a way to save increasingly significant sums of money.”

So what can we do to make a difference? Here are 11 ways to start saving water and money today:


  • Shorten your showers - reducing your shower from eight minutes to five can save up to 30 litres of water.
  • Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth - a running tap wastes approximately six litres per minute.
  • Upgrade your toilet - consider switching to a dual flush toilet, with two buttons allowing different quantities of water to flow.
  • Install low flow shower heads - these can save up to 60 litres of water per shower.
  • Fit a tap aerator - this device mixes water with air, reducing the flow but maintaining the water pressure.

Caption: Tap aerators can make a big difference to your water usage


  • Fill it up - make sure your dishwasher or washing machine is fully loaded so that you make the most of the water being used.
  • Use a washing up bowl - if washing up by hand, use a washing up bowl rather than continuously running the tap.
  • Upgrade to a water-saving tap - taps designed to be water efficient can use up to 40% less water than a normal tap.

Caption: Water-saving taps can make a big difference to your kitchen water usage

Outdoor areas

  • Use a watering can - using a watering can allows for more targeted watering.
  • Pick drought-resistant plants - consciously choosing plants that need less water means you can more easily keep them healthy during dry summer months.
  • Reduce evaporation - using mulch and bark in your garden will help to reduce water evaporation by up to 75 per cent.

Caption: Watering cans are a great way to target your watering

By making these simple changes, we can all do our part to save water and money. So why not start today?