Fuel for Thought: 5 Ways to Save Money on Petrol this Summer

With petrol prices surging again, learn how to save money on fuel with these 5 simple tips from the experts at Swansway Motor Group.
Fuel for Thought: 5 Ways to Save Money on Petrol this Summer

Petrol Prices: How to Save Money on Fuel this Summer


As the summer months approach, motorists are bracing themselves for another season of high petrol prices. With wholesale costs falling since the end of April, many are wondering why prices at the pump remain stubbornly high. According to the RAC, retailers’ margins are to blame, with petrol and diesel margins sitting at 14p and 16p per litre respectively - far higher than the long-term average of 8p per litre.

Paying more than you need to at the pump

But fear not, dear motorists! With a few simple tweaks to your driving habits and vehicle maintenance, you can save money on fuel and keep more of your hard-earned cash in your pocket.

Top 5 Tips to Save Money on Fuel

1. Check Your Tyre Pressure

Properly inflated tyres can improve your vehicle’s fuel efficiency by up to 3%. It’s a simple check to make, and one that could save you pounds over the course of the summer.

Make sure your tyres are properly inflated

2. Keep Your Windows Closed

Driving with your windows down can increase drag and decrease fuel efficiency. By keeping them closed, especially at high speeds, you can reduce wind resistance and save fuel.

3. Turn Off the Air Conditioning

While it can be tempting to crank up the AC on a hot summer day, it’s a fuel-guzzling habit to get into. Try rolling down your windows instead, or using a sunshade to keep your vehicle cool.

4. Avoid Idling

Idling for just 10 seconds can waste more fuel than restarting your engine. Try to avoid idling whenever possible, and turn off your engine if you’re going to be stopped for more than 30 seconds.

5. Remove Unnecessary Weight

The more weight your vehicle is carrying, the more fuel it will consume. Take a few minutes to clear out any unnecessary items from your boot or back seat, and you could see a noticeable improvement in your fuel efficiency.

Clear out your boot to improve fuel efficiency

By following these simple tips, you can save money on fuel and make the most of your summer road trips.