Fuel for Thought: How to Save Money on Petrol and Diesel This Summer

With petrol and diesel prices remaining high, it's more important than ever to find ways to save money on fuel. From checking your tyre pressure to demanding fairer prices at the pumps, we explore the top tips to help you cut costs this summer.
Fuel for Thought: How to Save Money on Petrol and Diesel This Summer

The Great Petrol Price Rip-Off: How to Save Money on Fuel This Summer

As the summer months approach, many of us will be hitting the roads, eager to enjoy the warmer weather and explore the great outdoors. But with petrol and diesel prices remaining stubbornly high, it’s a costly business. According to the RAC, prices for petrol and diesel in Britain are “far higher than they should be”, with wholesale costs having fallen since the end of April. So, what can we do to save money on fuel this summer?

Paying too much at the pump?

One of the main culprits behind high petrol prices is retailers’ margins. The RAC has found that retailers’ margins - the difference between what they pay for fuel and the pump price - are 14p per litre for petrol and 16p per litre for diesel. This is significantly higher than the long-term average of 8p per litre. It’s no wonder, then, that drivers are feeling the pinch.

RAC calls for fairer prices

The RAC is calling on retailers to cut their prices at the pumps, citing the reduction in wholesale prices as a reason to do so. But with prices remaining high, it’s up to us to take matters into our own hands. So, what can we do to save money on fuel this summer?

Top 5 Tips to Save Money on Fuel

  • Check your tyre pressure: Properly inflated tyres can improve your car’s fuel efficiency, saving you money on petrol and diesel.
  • Keep your windows closed: If you’re driving at speeds over 40mph, keeping your windows closed can reduce drag and improve fuel efficiency.
  • Turn off the air conditioning: While it may be tempting to blast the AC on a hot summer’s day, it can guzzle fuel. Try rolling down your windows instead.
  • Avoid idling: If you’re going to be stopped for more than 30 seconds, turn off your engine. Idling can waste a significant amount of fuel.
  • Remove unnecessary weight: The heavier your car, the more fuel it will guzzle. Remove any unnecessary items from your boot to improve fuel efficiency.

Remove unnecessary weight to improve fuel efficiency

By following these simple tips, you can save money on fuel this summer and enjoy the freedom of the open road without breaking the bank.

The Bigger Picture

While these tips can help us save money on fuel, it’s clear that there’s a bigger issue at play. The RAC is calling for retailers to cut their prices at the pumps, and it’s up to us to demand fairer prices. By supporting campaigns for fairer fuel prices, we can create a more level playing field for drivers across the country.

Demand fairer prices at the pumps

So, the next time you fill up at the pump, remember that you have the power to make a difference. By demanding fairer prices and taking steps to improve your fuel efficiency, you can save money and help create a more sustainable future for drivers everywhere.