Haggle Your Way to Savings: How a Simple Phone Call Can Save You Hundreds

Discover the power of haggling and how a simple phone call can save you hundreds of pounds a year on your mobile bill and other services.
Haggle Your Way to Savings: How a Simple Phone Call Can Save You Hundreds
Photo by Michelle Spollen on Unsplash

Haggle Your Way to Savings: How a Simple Phone Call Can Save You Hundreds

Are you tired of overpaying for your mobile bill? Martin Lewis, the renowned Money Saving Expert, has a simple yet effective solution: haggling. By making a simple phone call, you can negotiate a better deal with your provider and save hundreds of pounds a year.

One savvy customer, Chris, took Martin’s advice to heart and managed to slash his monthly mobile bill from £57 to £37, resulting in a whopping £300 annual saving. But Chris isn’t the only one who has benefited from haggling. Many others have reported similar successes, with some even managing to negotiate a £30 per month reduction on their TV, broadband, and phone bundle.

The Power of Haggling

Haggling is not just limited to mobile bills. According to Martin Lewis, you can haggle with various service providers, including breakdown, broadband, and more. In fact, a staggering 89% of those who haggled with Virgin Media and TalkTalk were successful, as were 85% of those who haggled with the RAC, and 84% who haggled with the AA.

Success Stories

One fan of Martin Lewis’s tips on haggling with Virgin Media managed to negotiate a saving of £21.50 per month on their TV, broadband, and phone bundle. Another fan reported a £30 per month reduction on their Sky TV package after haggling with the provider.

Take Control of Your Finances

The key to successful haggling is to be confident and assertive. Don’t be afraid to threaten to leave your provider if they don’t meet your demands. Remember, it’s your money, and you have the power to negotiate a better deal.

Haggling can save you hundreds of pounds a year


Haggling is a simple yet effective way to save money on your monthly bills. By taking control of your finances and negotiating with your providers, you can enjoy significant savings. So, the next time you receive a hefty bill, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and haggle your way to a better deal.

Start haggling today and save hundreds of pounds a year