Haggling Your Way to Savings: How One Martin Lewis Fan Saved £312

Learn how one Martin Lewis fan saved £312 on her mobile phone bill by haggling. Follow these simple tips to negotiate a better deal and start saving today!
Haggling Your Way to Savings: How One Martin Lewis Fan Saved £312

Haggling Your Way to Savings: How One Martin Lewis Fan Saved £312

Are you tired of overpaying for your mobile phone bill? One savvy Martin Lewis fan, Penny, managed to slash her phone bill from £26 to just £14 a month, saving a whopping £312 over the year. But how did she do it?

The Power of Haggling

According to Martin Lewis’ website, Money Saving Expert (MSE), some prices are set in stone, but others, like mobile phone bills, can be negotiated. The key is to know when to haggle and how to do it effectively.

Timing is Everything

To successfully haggle your bill, you need to be nearing the end of your contract or out of contract. This gives you the upper hand in negotiations. Additionally, you need to provide a reason for wanting a lower price, such as “It’s my budget and this has gone up too much” or “My partner says I shouldn’t be paying for this anymore.”

Being Charming Goes a Long Way

When speaking with customer service, be charming and polite, rather than aggressive. This can help you get a better deal. If the company “calls your bluff” and takes you to cancel your contract, don’t panic. Tell them you need to check with someone, like a partner, before cancelling and you’ll call back.

Don’t Give Up

If you don’t succeed, try again. Many customer service representatives have quotas on the number of discounts they can give per day. If you didn’t get a discount, you might have gotten someone who had already used up their quotas. Try calling back another day, and you might get a different representative who can offer you a better deal.

Cutting your mobile phone bill can save you hundreds

By following these simple tips, you can save hundreds of pounds on your mobile phone bill. So, the next time you’re due for a contract renewal, remember to haggle your way to savings.

Martin Lewis, the founder of Money Saving Expert (MSE)