Hit the Road for Less: How to Save Money on Your Summer Road Trip

Planning a summer road trip? Learn how to save money on gas, accommodations, and auto insurance with Experian's cost-cutting tools and expert tips.
Hit the Road for Less: How to Save Money on Your Summer Road Trip

Hit the Road for Less: How to Save Money on Your Summer Road Trip

As the summer months approach, many of us are planning our next big adventure. But with inflation on the rise, it’s more important than ever to be mindful of our spending. According to a recent survey by Experian, 71% of consumers feel that inflation has impacted their road trip plans, with gas and accommodations being the biggest expenses.

Summer road trips can be expensive, but with some planning, you can save money and still have a great time.

One major expense to consider is auto insurance. With rates increasing by over 20% in the last year, it’s essential to shop around for the best deals. Experian’s insurance marketplace can help you find a better rate on your current policy in just a few minutes, potentially saving you over $1,100 on an auto and home insurance policy bundle.

Shopping around for auto insurance can save you hundreds of dollars.

Another way to save money is by tapping into travel reward points. If you’re in the market for a new credit card, Experian’s credit card marketplace can help you find the right one for your needs, with benefits like cash back offers or travel rewards.

Make the most of your travel rewards points to save money on your road trip.

To make the most of your summer road trip, join Experian’s weekly #CreditChat on Twitter every Wednesday at 3 pm ET for savvy tips, budget-friendly hacks, and insider secrets to make your travels unforgettable without breaking the bank.

Plan ahead and make the most of your summer road trip.

By being mindful of your spending and taking advantage of cost-cutting tools, you can have a fun and affordable summer road trip.