How to Save Money on Your Utility Bills and Achieve Financial Wellness

Learn how to save money on your utility bills and achieve financial wellness with these practical tips and strategies.
How to Save Money on Your Utility Bills and Achieve Financial Wellness

How to Save Money on Your Utility Bills and Achieve Financial Wellness

As the summer months approach, many of us are bracing ourselves for the inevitable spike in our utility bills. But what if you could save money on your energy costs and achieve financial wellness at the same time? In this article, we’ll explore some practical tips to help you reduce your energy consumption and make progress towards your financial goals.

Understanding Your Energy Usage

Before we dive into the tips, it’s essential to understand how your energy usage affects your utility bills. In California, for example, electricity rates are highest between 4 pm and 9 pm, when solar energy production disappears from the power grid. This means that if you can adjust your energy usage during these hours, you can significantly reduce your energy costs.

Smart thermostats can help you optimize your energy usage

5 Tips to Reduce Your Energy Consumption

Here are five practical tips to help you reduce your energy consumption and save money on your utility bills:

  1. Pre-cool your home: Set your thermostat efficiently, and let the temperature in your home rise to 86 degrees when you’re away. This can help reduce your energy consumption and save you money.

  2. Close blinds and curtains: Keeping your blinds and curtains closed during the hottest parts of the day can help block out direct sunlight and reduce your energy consumption.

  3. Run your appliances at the right times: Avoid running your appliances during peak hours (4 pm to 9 pm) when energy rates are highest. Instead, run them during off-peak hours when energy rates are lower.

  4. Beware of ’energy vampires’: Some electronics in your home, such as TVs and desktop computers, continue to draw power even when they’re turned off. Unplugging these devices or using power strips can help eliminate this unnecessary energy consumption.

  5. Adjust your power settings: Adjusting the power settings on your computer, game console, and TV can also help reduce your energy consumption.

Achieving financial wellness requires a combination of smart financial decisions and healthy habits

The Emotional Barrier to Financial Wellness

While these tips can help you save money on your utility bills, there’s often an emotional barrier to achieving financial wellness. According to financial psychologist Brad Klontz, shame is one of the biggest obstacles to financial wellness. Many people feel embarrassed about their financial situation and avoid thinking about it or talking about it.

However, achieving financial wellness requires a combination of smart financial decisions and healthy habits. By addressing the emotional barrier to financial wellness, you can make progress towards your financial goals and achieve a more stable financial future.


Saving money on your utility bills and achieving financial wellness require a combination of practical tips and healthy habits. By understanding your energy usage, reducing your energy consumption, and addressing the emotional barrier to financial wellness, you can make progress towards your financial goals and achieve a more stable financial future.

Mindfulness and self-compassion can help you overcome the emotional barrier to financial wellness

Additional Resources

If you’re interested in learning more about financial wellness and how to achieve it, check out our online course Achieve Financial Wellness: Be Happier, Wealthier & More Financially Secure. This course will teach you the psychology of money, how to manage your stress and create healthy habits, and simple ways to boost your savings, get out of debt, and invest for the future.