Love in the Time of Laundry: How Gen Z Couples are Saving Money and Falling Deeper in Love

Gen Z couples are ditching expensive date nights for a more frugal approach to romance: the laundromat date. But is this thrifty trend the key to a stronger, more meaningful connection?
Love in the Time of Laundry: How Gen Z Couples are Saving Money and Falling Deeper in Love

The Thrifty Romance: How Gen Z Couples are Saving Money and Falling Deeper in Love

As the cost of living continues to rise, Gen Z couples are getting creative with their date nights. Gone are the days of expensive dinners and lavish getaways; instead, young lovers are opting for a more frugal approach to romance. Enter the laundromat date, where couples can bond over dirty socks and save a pretty penny in the process.

Laundry day just got a whole lot more romantic

Aniessa and Emilio Navarro, a young couple, swear by their weekly laundromat dates. “Our date nights don’t have to be these big expensive dinners. Spending time together is more important than spending a ton of money,” Aniessa says. And they’re not alone. Across the US, Gen Z couples are ditching fancy restaurants for the humble laundromat, where they can wash, rinse, and repeat their way to a stronger connection.

“Doing laundry isn’t the most exciting thing in the world, but I’d rather do laundry with him than go on a trip to Italy with anyone else.” - Monica Combs, 26

Laundromat owners are catching on to the trend, too. Erin Carpenter, who’s designing a date-friendly washateria in Williamsburg, says the industry is moving away from the old, sterile feel of laundromats and adopting more warm and welcoming designs. “We want to create a vibrant space where couples and singles can mix and mingle while doing their laundry,” she explains.

A modern laundromat designed for socializing

It’s not just about saving money, though. These laundromat dates are fostering deeper connections between partners. “When you’re in it for the long haul with someone, it really boils down to, ‘Do I actually enjoy just existing with this person?’” Monica Combs says. And what better way to find out than over a load of dirty laundry?

Laundry day just got a whole lot more romantic

So, the next time you’re planning a date, consider ditching the fancy dinner and opting for a more low-key approach. Your wallet – and your partner – will thank you.

The ultimate symbol of love in the modern age