Make Money by Walking Around the Block: A Surprising Side Hustle

Make money by taking photos of derelict buildings while walking around the block. This surprising side hustle can earn you up to £10,000, and it's just one of many ways to make extra cash.
Make Money by Walking Around the Block: A Surprising Side Hustle

Make Money by Walking Around the Block: A Surprising Side Hustle

Are you looking for a unique way to make some extra cash? Look no further! According to a money-saving expert, you can earn up to £10,000 simply by taking photos of derelict buildings while walking around the block.

Finding derelict buildings can be a lucrative side hustle

Caroline Butler, a self-proclaimed “professional thrifter” and charity shop expert, revealed that finding empty or derelict houses can rake in the cash. She shared her tip on her social media account, explaining that by notifying YouSpotProperty of an empty or derelict house in England that matches their criteria, you can earn a £20 Amazon or Marks and Spencer’s voucher.

But that’s not all - if YouSpotProperty goes on to purchase the property, you’ll receive 1% of the purchase price, capped at £10,000. And as an added bonus, the site donates £500 to charity, having supported organizations like Mind and the Lifeboats in the past.

Make money by taking photos of derelict buildings

Butler’s tip is just one of many side hustles you can try to make some extra cash. Here are five other good side hustles to consider:

1. Selling Items You No Longer Need

Declutter your home and make money by selling items you no longer need or use. You can sell them online through platforms like eBay or Facebook Marketplace, or hold a yard sale.

Selling items you no longer need can be a lucrative side hustle

2. Renting Out a Room on Airbnb

If you have an extra room in your home, consider renting it out on Airbnb. This can be a quick and easy way to make some extra cash, especially during peak travel seasons.

Renting out a room on Airbnb can be a lucrative side hustle

3. Delivering Food or Packages

With the rise of the gig economy, delivering food or packages has become a popular side hustle. You can work as a delivery driver for companies like Uber Eats, DoorDash, or Amazon Flex.

Delivering food or packages can be a lucrative side hustle

4. Pet Sitting or Dog Walking

If you love animals, consider offering pet sitting or dog walking services. You can advertise your services on social media or use pet sitting platforms like Rover.

Pet sitting or dog walking can be a lucrative side hustle

5. Selling Stock Photos

If you have a talent for photography, consider selling your photos on stock photo websites like Shutterstock or iStock. You can earn money every time someone licenses your photo.

Selling stock photos can be a lucrative side hustle

Remember, these side hustles may not make you rich, but they can help you earn some extra cash on the side. So, get creative and start exploring ways to make money today!