Make Money While You Walk: The Surprising Way to Earn £10,000

Make money while you walk with this surprising hack that could earn you up to £10,000. Learn how to turn your daily strolls into a lucrative venture.
Make Money While You Walk: The Surprising Way to Earn £10,000

Make Money While You Walk: The Surprising Way to Earn £10,000

As a savvy saver, I’m always on the lookout for innovative ways to boost my income. And I’m not alone - with the cost of living on the rise, many of us are searching for creative ways to make ends meet. That’s why I was thrilled to stumble upon a money-making hack that’s as simple as taking a stroll around the block.

From Derelict Buildings to Cold, Hard Cash

Caroline Butler, a self-proclaimed “professional thrifter” and charity shop expert, has revealed a surprising way to earn up to £10,000 simply by snapping a photo of a derelict or empty building. Yes, you read that right - £10,000!

The secret lies in a website called, which rewards users for reporting empty or derelict properties in England. If you notify them of a property that matches their criteria, you’ll receive a £20 Amazon or Marks & Spencer’s voucher. And if they go on to purchase the property, you’ll earn 1% of the purchase price, capped at £10,000.

A derelict building, just waiting to be reported

But that’s not all - the website also donates £500 to charity, having supported organizations like Mind and the Lifeboats in the past. It’s a win-win for everyone involved!

More Money-Making Ideas

Of course, this isn’t the only way to make some extra cash. Here are a few more side hustles you might want to consider:

  • Dumpster diving for hidden gems (like that £200 toy you never knew you needed)
  • Thrifting like a pro (Caroline shares her top tips for finding the best bargains)
  • Snapping up snacks at a fraction of the cost (who doesn’t love a good deal?)

The possibilities are endless, and with a little creativity, you can turn your daily walks into a lucrative venture.

Get Started Today

So why not give it a try? Take a stroll around your neighborhood, camera in hand, and see what hidden gems you can uncover. You never know - you might just stumble upon a £10,000 windfall.

Get walking and start earning today!