One Simple Trick to Reduce Your Louisiana Power Bill

Beat the Louisiana heat with this simple trick to reduce your power bill and make your AC unit last longer.
One Simple Trick to Reduce Your Louisiana Power Bill
Photo by Jarritos Mexican Soda on Unsplash

One Simple Trick to Reduce Your Louisiana Power Bill

I’m sweating just thinking about the recent heatwave in south Louisiana. And I’m not the only one - our air conditioning units are working overtime to keep our homes cool and comfortable. But did you know that there’s a simple trick to reduce your power bill and make your AC unit last longer?

It’s called the 20-degree rule, and it’s surprisingly effective. The idea is to keep your thermostat at no more than 20 degrees lower than the outside temperature. So if it’s a sweltering 95 degrees outside, you should set your AC to 75 degrees at the highest. This might seem like a small change, but it can make a big difference to your energy consumption.

Set your thermostat to the sweet spot

But why does this work? Well, when your AC unit has to cool your home by more than 20 degrees, it has to work harder and use more energy. This not only increases your power bill but also reduces the lifespan of your unit. By keeping the temperature difference smaller, you can reduce the strain on your AC and save money in the long run.

Of course, this might require some discipline and sacrifice - especially if you’re used to a cooler temperature at home. But trust me, it’s worth it. And if you’re still unsure, just remember that every degree of extra cooling can increase your energy consumption by up to 6%.

A helping hand from your fan

There are other ways to keep your home cool and reduce your power bill. Here are a few tips:

  • Turn your fan switch to the “on” position to circulate the air and reduce the load on your AC.
  • Keep the shades closed on the sunny side of your house to block out the heat.
  • Close off unused rooms to conserve energy.
  • Use ceiling fans to keep cool, making sure they’re rotating in the right direction.
  • Avoid using appliances on extremely hot days, or try to do so during off-peak hours.

It’s not easy to stay cool in the dog days of summer, but with a little creativity and discipline, we can all reduce our power bills and make a positive impact on the environment. So go ahead, try out the 20-degree rule and see the difference for yourself.

What’s Your Take on the 20-Degree Rule?

Have you tried the 20-degree rule before? Do you have any other tips for staying cool and reducing your power bill? Share your thoughts in the comments below!