Rain or Shine: 4 Cash-Saving Ways to Keep Your Camping Trip Dry

Stay dry and comfortable on your camping trip with these four cash-saving tips. From checking your tent to drying your clothes quickly, we've got you covered.
Rain or Shine: 4 Cash-Saving Ways to Keep Your Camping Trip Dry

Four Cash-Saving Ways to Make Sure the Rain Doesn’t Ruin Your Camping Trip

Before you set off on your camping adventure, it’s essential to ensure that you’re prepared for any unexpected rain showers. A little preparation can go a long way in keeping you and your gear dry.

Check Your Tent Before You Leave

Before you set off, put your tent up at home to check for any tears or damage. This simple step can save you a lot of hassle and discomfort when you’re out in the wilderness.

Keep your tent extra dry with a waterproofing spray.

Double Cover for Extra Protection

If you have an old tarpaulin or large plastic sheet lying around, drape it over your tent and secure it with bungee cords for a bit of extra protection. This will ensure that you stay dry even in the heaviest of downpours.

Keep Your Gear Dry

Keeping the inside of your tent dry and clean is crucial. Create a sheltered area where you can take off wet gear before heading under the canvas. This will prevent any water from seeping into your tent and making a mess.

Keep your gear dry by packing items in resealable plastic bags.

Dry Your Clothes Quickly

If your clothes do get wet, you’ll need a way to get them dry as quickly as possible. If you have room, set up a drying line inside the tent using shoelaces, string, or bungee cords. And take a portable fan with you, as this will help to speed up the drying process.

A portable fan can help to speed up the drying process.

MacGyver Your Way Out of Trouble

In an emergency, use bin bags as macs. Cut a hole in the bottom for your head and one on each side for your arms. This might not be the most stylish solution, but it’ll keep you dry in a pinch.

Use bin bags as macs in an emergency.

Dry Your Shoes Quickly

To dry wet shoes, remove the insoles and hang them on your drying line. Use scrunched-up newspaper inside the shoes to help absorb any moisture.

Dry your shoes quickly with a drying line and scrunched-up newspaper.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure that the rain doesn’t ruin your camping trip. With a little preparation and creativity, you can stay dry and comfortable even in the wettest of weather conditions.

“A little preparation can go a long way in keeping you and your gear dry.”