Rising Fuel Costs? 5 Essential Tips to Save You Money

Rising fuel costs got you down? Learn how to save money on petrol and diesel with these 5 essential tips from the experts at Swansway Motor Group.
Rising Fuel Costs? 5 Essential Tips to Save You Money

Rising Fuel Costs: 5 Essential Tips to Save You Money

As petrol prices continue to soar, motorists are feeling the pinch. With prices rising by 10p per litre since the start of the year, filling a typical 55-litre family car now costs around £5.50 more. But fear not, dear drivers! The experts at Swansway Motor Group have shared their top 5 money-saving tips to help you navigate these costly times.

Check Your Tyre Pressure

A simple yet effective way to save fuel is to ensure your tyres are properly inflated. Underinflated tyres can increase rolling resistance, which in turn increases fuel consumption. So, take a few minutes to check your tyre pressure and reap the rewards.

Properly inflated tyres can improve your fuel efficiency.

Keep Your Windows Closed

When driving at speeds over 40mph, keeping your windows closed can significantly reduce wind resistance, which can help you save fuel. So, next time you’re cruising down the motorway, keep those windows shut and watch your fuel costs decrease.

Turn Off the Air Conditioning

We know it can get hot in the summer, but using your air conditioning can guzzle fuel. Try rolling down your windows instead, or using a cooling pad to keep you comfortable. Your wallet (and the environment) will thank you.

Avoid Idling

Idling for extended periods can waste a significant amount of fuel. If you’re stuck in traffic or waiting for someone, turn off your engine to avoid unnecessary fuel consumption.

Remove Unnecessary Weight

The more weight your vehicle is carrying, the more fuel it’ll consume. Remove any unnecessary items from your boot or back seat to improve your fuel efficiency.

“It’s concerning to see the retailer margins on fuel; unleaded petrol margins have reached 9.5p per litre, and diesel even more dramatically at 18p per litre, which is a significant rise of 6p in April alone.” - Experts at Swansway Motor Group

The experts also highlighted the variability in fuel prices, with differences ranging from 8p to 36p per litre in supermarket fuel prices at the end of April. By following these simple tips, you can save money on fuel and stay ahead of the rising costs.

Stay ahead of rising fuel costs with these 5 essential tips.