Save Hundreds on Your Water Bill with This Simple Trick

Discover how to save hundreds of pounds on your water bill with this simple trick from Martin Lewis, the Money Saving Expert.
Save Hundreds on Your Water Bill with This Simple Trick

Save Hundreds on Your Water Bill with This Simple Trick

Are you tired of paying high water bills every month? Do you feel like you’re stuck with no options to reduce your costs? Think again! Martin Lewis, the Money Saving Expert, has a simple trick that could save you hundreds of pounds on your water bill.

The Forgotten Utility

Water bills are often considered the “forgotten utility.” Unlike energy bills, which can be switched to different providers, water bills are tied to your regional provider, leaving you with little room for negotiation. However, Martin Lewis and his team have discovered a way to reduce your water bill, and it’s surprisingly simple.

The Power of Water Meters

In England and Wales, you can get a water meter installed for free. This device measures your water consumption and bills you accordingly. If you have a large home with few occupants, you could benefit from installing a water meter. For example, if you have a three-bedroom house with only two people living in it, you might be paying more than you need to.

Calculate Your Savings

To see if you could benefit from a water meter, use a water calculator to estimate your potential savings. The calculator will ask you questions about your water usage, such as how many people live in your home, how many showers you take per week, and your current payments. If the calculator shows that you could save money, you can ask your water firm to install a meter.

Real-Life Savings

One of Martin Lewis’ fans, Amanda, took his advice and installed a water meter. Her bill dropped from £119 to £25 per month, saving her £1,128 per year! If you’re interested in trying it out, inform your water provider, and they’ll arrange the installation. You have a two-year trial period to change your mind and go back to your old billing system if you’re not satisfied.

More Ways to Save

In addition to installing a water meter, there are other ways to save money on your water bill. For example, you can take shorter showers, fix leaks, and use water-efficient appliances. Every little bit helps, and making these small changes can add up to significant savings over time.


Don’t let high water bills drain your wallet. Take control of your water usage and start saving today. With a simple water meter installation, you could be on your way to saving hundreds of pounds per year.

Installing a water meter could save you hundreds on your water bill.

Use a water calculator to estimate your potential savings.

Make small changes to your daily habits to save even more on your water bill.