Save Money on Your Energy Bills This Summer

Save money on your energy bills this summer with these simple tips and tricks. From smart thermostats to energy-efficient appliances, we've got you covered.
Save Money on Your Energy Bills This Summer
Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

Save Money on Your Energy Bills This Summer

Summer is here, and with it comes the dreaded energy bills. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here are some energy hacks to help you save money on your air conditioning bill all summer long.

Beat the Heat Without Breaking the Bank

Summer’s blistering heat can be unbearable, but it doesn’t have to burn a hole in your wallet. Here are some tips to manage your AC costs and stay cool:

1. Sign up for an energy audit

If your home isn’t brand new, the cold air inside is probably seeping out through doors and windows with spotty seals, a poorly insulated attic, and other locations of sneaky cracks.

2. Get a smart thermostat

If you haven’t upgraded to a smart thermostat – such as one by Ecobee or Nest – it might be time to make a change. Smart thermostats can regulate heating and cooling when you’re not home to save money.

3. Check the placement of your thermostat

Thermostat placement can play a big part in how well your air conditioner works.

4. Close the blinds

A window letting in the hot sun won’t just heat up your thermostat, it’ll heat you up, too.

5. Try a ceiling fan

You don’t always need to amp up the AC to feel cooler.

6. Increase the temperature

To save the most money, always set your thermostat to the highest temperature you can comfortably stand.

Shop Smart and Save Money on New Appliances

Isn’t it always the way that when you’re trying to save a bit of money or struggling to stick to your monthly budget, one of your essential appliances gives up the ghost? If your fridge has decided to call it a day or your washing machine has spun its last cycle, you may be reluctantly shopping around for a replacement.

Here are some tips to ensure you’re really getting a good deal:

1. Stick to the basics (don’t be swayed by fancy features)

Paying more for high-tech features is only worth it if you’re actually going to use them, or if they genuinely affect the performance of the product.

2. Compare prices with older models

Similarly, you don’t always need the latest and greatest model of fridge, vacuum cleaner, or washing machine. Often, previous models that have been superseded by the latest version will be available at a discounted price – and they may be almost identical, give or take a few features or upgrades.

3. Do your research and consider alternative brands

We say it all the time, but the most expensive products aren’t always the best, and sometimes we find that cheaper products can perform just as well – or even better – than the pricier big brands.

4. Always ask for discounts

While shopping online gives you the advantage of easily comparing prices with a few clicks, it does make it trickier to ask for discounts. Some retailers offer online price matching, however, it may be worth heading in-store (armed with all your online research, of course) to directly ask a salesperson for their best price.

5. Don’t forget to account for delivery and/or installation costs

Before you buy anything, ensure you’re clear on what comes with the product and if anything extra is needed for installation once it is delivered.

6. Buy an energy and/or water efficient model

It’s no use picking up a cheaper fridge, washing machine, or dryer if it’s an energy or water guzzler that’s going to cost you more over its lifetime in energy bills.

7. Don’t pay for extended warranties that offer you little value

When buying a new appliance, either in-store or online, it’s common to be ‘upsold’ an extended warranty that is framed as extra protection for you in case your product fails.

The Exact Time to Stop Charging Your Phone to Save on Your Energy Bills

It’s a challenging time with many households across the country looking for creative ways to save money and cut down their spending. Here are some tips to help you save money on your phone bill:

Leverage Off-Peak Hours

Many energy providers offer discounted electricity rates during off-peak hours. This is often overnight (usually between midnight and 7 am) or during specific periods throughout the day.

Don’t Overcharge

However, the expert warned that you should avoid overcharging it for long periods in order to extend your phone battery’s lifespan.

Choose Efficient Chargers

Not all phone chargers are created equal. The expert recommends upgrading to a higher quality charger, such as those that feature Gallium Nitride (GaN), which produces less heat and can preserve your phone’s battery health over time.

Energy efficient chargers can help reduce energy waste

Eco-Conscious Choices

Jae also noted that adjusting your charging habits might not have a major impact on your electricity bill in comparison to other energy-saving measures. If you want to see more substantial savings, the expert suggested focusing on energy-efficient practices like using LED bulbs and unplugging electronics when they are not in use.

Unplugging electronics when not in use can help reduce energy waste