Six Easy Ways to Save Money This Bank Holiday Weekend

Discover six practical tips to save money this bank holiday weekend. From DIY Easter eggs to hosting a potluck party, learn how to be thrifty and financially savvy.
Six Easy Ways to Save Money This Bank Holiday Weekend

Six Easy Ways to Save Money This Bank Holiday Weekend

Are you feeling a little too extravagant with your spending this spring? Fear not, as there are simple yet effective ways to put more money back into your purse. From checking your cupboards to hosting a potluck Easter party, here are six money-saving tips to help you make the most of this bank holiday weekend.

1. Cupboard Check Challenge

Before you rush to buy anything for Easter, take on the cupboard check challenge. Start by clearing out every kitchen cupboard and making a list of items you already have. Restock your shelves so that the items nearing their expiration date are easily accessible. Extend this challenge to craft supplies, your wardrobe, and even your kids’ rooms. Sell any items you no longer need on platforms like Vinted or Facebook Marketplace to earn some extra cash.

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2. Make Your Own Easter Eggs

Instead of splurging on expensive Easter eggs, consider making your own. By using melted family-sized chocolate bars and an egg mold, you can create personalized Easter treats at a fraction of the cost. This DIY approach not only saves you money but also allows you to customize the chocolates to your liking.

3. Host a Pot Luck Easter Party

Easter meals can quickly add up in cost. To save money while still enjoying delicious food, organize a potluck Easter party. Invite friends and family to bring Easter-themed dishes to share. Not only is this a budget-friendly option, but it also adds a fun and communal element to your celebrations.

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4. Build Up a Nest Egg

As the new tax year begins on April 6, take advantage of the Easter weekend to review your finances. Consider saving the extra money you may receive from reduced National Insurance contributions if you are employed. Websites like offer valuable advice on maximizing your savings.

5. Eat Out for Less

Many restaurant chains are offering Kids Eat Free promotions this Easter, providing an opportunity to dine out without breaking the bank. Check out the latest offers on to find establishments where children can eat for free. By taking advantage of these deals, you can enjoy a meal out while keeping your expenses in check.

6. Save on No-Bake Recipes

Cut down on cooking costs by exploring no-bake recipes for Easter treats. Simple yet delicious options like no-cook chocolate fudge can be the perfect gift or addition to your festive spread. Visit for inspiration on creating budget-friendly and hassle-free dishes.

Follow these tips to make the most of your bank holiday weekend without overspending. By incorporating these money-saving strategies into your plans, you can enjoy a frugal yet fulfilling Easter celebration.

By Alice Bennett