Slash Your Energy Bills This Summer with These Simple Tips

Learn how to reduce your energy bills this summer with these simple tips and tricks. From fixed-rate tariffs to energy efficiency measures, discover how to save money and stay cool.
Slash Your Energy Bills This Summer with These Simple Tips

Slash Your Energy Bills This Summer with These Simple Tips

As the summer months approach, many of us are looking for ways to reduce our energy bills and save some money. With the recent decrease in energy prices, now is the perfect time to take control of your energy usage and make some simple changes to your daily habits.

Summer energy-saving tips

According to energy experts, households can make even more savings this summer by following certain measures. One of the most effective ways to reduce your energy bills is to opt for a good fixed-rate tariff. While fixed rates can provide peace of mind and give customers more control over their energy usage, they can also come with exit fees and the risk of missing out on falling energy prices.

For example, Octopus Energy offers a 12-month fix to all new and existing customers at seven percent less than the price cap, with no exit fees. Meanwhile, Ecotricity offers a deal up to nine percent less, but with more sticking points such as an exit fee and the need for a smart meter.

Simple Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Your Energy Bills

In addition to opting for a fixed-rate tariff, there are several simple lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your energy bills. One of the most effective ways to save energy is to limit your usage during peak hours of the day. This can be as simple as switching off appliances when not in use, rather than leaving them on standby.

“Electricity and gas users should try, where possible, to limit their usage during peak hours of the day.” - Energy Expert

Another simple change you can make is to use cross-ventilation to cool your home. Instead of opening all windows, try opening different windows around the house in small doses to let the breeze flow through. You can also use cold fans to cool your home, but be sure to only use them in occupied rooms to avoid wasting energy.

Avoid Common Mistakes That Can Increase Your Energy Bills

One common mistake that can increase your energy bills is lowering your thermostat drastically. This can actually cause your air conditioning unit to work harder and longer, rather than cooling your home faster. Instead, try gradually lowering the temperature in small bursts until you reach the desired level.

By following these simple tips and making a few small changes to your daily habits, you can reduce your energy bills and save money this summer.

Energy efficiency tips

Remember to always compare energy deals and tariffs to find the best option for your household. With a little bit of effort and planning, you can enjoy a cooler and more energy-efficient summer.