Surviving the Cost-of-Living Crisis: Uncommon Money-Saving Hacks to Try Now

Discover uncommon money-saving tips to help you survive the cost-of-living crisis. From DIY haircuts to biodegradable toilet wipes, learn how to cut back on costs without sacrificing your quality of life.
Surviving the Cost-of-Living Crisis: Uncommon Money-Saving Hacks to Try Now

Money-Saving Hacks to Help You Survive the Cost-of-Living Crisis

The cost-of-living crisis has affected households across the country, and it’s no surprise that people are desperately trying to cut back on costs wherever they can. From rising food prices to fuel costs, it’s essential to find ways to save money without sacrificing our quality of life.

Uncommon Money-Saving Tips

A woman struggling with money recently asked people to share their uncommon money-saving tips on Mumsnet. She shared a few of her own, including not having a haircut in years and instead cutting her hair herself following YouTube tutorials. She also mentioned that she turns down the boiler temperature and takes warm showers to reduce her gas bill.

Cheaper alternatives to toilet rolls

Another money-saving hack she shared was using biodegradable toilet wipes, which work out cheaper than toilet rolls. She recommended using the Aldi or Lidl brand.

Other Mumsnet users shared their own money-saving tips, including avoiding shopping at convenience stores, asking in-store about reduced fresh food items, freezing yellow sticker items, planning meals ahead, and using unit pricing to find the best deals.

Plan your meals and shop smart

Grocery Inflation: How to Spend Less

Grocery inflation has made it difficult for many of us to afford the basics. However, with a few simple changes to our shopping habits, we can save hundreds of pounds a year. Here are some tips to help you spend less in the supermarket:

  • Avoid shopping at convenience stores, which charge more
  • Ask in-store about reduced fresh food items
  • Freeze yellow sticker items where you can
  • Plan meals ahead
  • Try own-label or budget brand alternatives
  • Use unit pricing to find the best deals

Plan your meals and shop smart


Saving money doesn’t have to mean sacrificing our quality of life. With a few simple changes to our daily habits and shopping routines, we can cut back on costs without feeling the pinch. Remember, every little helps, and these uncommon money-saving tips can make a big difference in the long run.

Every little helps