The Dumbest Money-Saving Tips on the Internet

Some money-saving tips are just plain silly. Find out which ones to avoid and focus on the ones that actually work.
The Dumbest Money-Saving Tips on the Internet

The Dumbest Money-Saving Tips on the Internet

Every website you visit, including this one, has lists of ways to save money during difficult financial times. Some are great, some are okay, and a few should have been left off the list.

Here’s a partial list of some of the dumbest money-saving tips found on the Internet, compiled by the Times of London. One of them was even by one of our writers.

Living frugally doesn’t have to be ridiculous.

  1. Re-use sandwich bags without washing them. At pennies for a bag, this seems like a waste of time. And even if you do wash them, that’s more hassle than it’s worth.

“A penny saved is a penny earned,” but not if it’s at the cost of your sanity.

Reusing sandwich bags might not be the best idea.

We’ve all been there, trying to cut corners and save a buck, but some tips are just plain silly. Who thought reusing sandwich bags was a good idea? It’s not like we’re talking about reusing plastic containers or something that actually makes sense.

There are better ways to save money.

The point is, there are better ways to save money than reusing sandwich bags. We should focus on making smart financial decisions, not trying to squeeze every last penny out of our wallets.

Let’s focus on the tips that actually work.

So, let’s focus on the tips that actually work, like cooking at home, canceling subscription services we don’t use, and finding ways to reduce our energy bills. Those are the tips that will actually make a difference in our wallets.

Let’s live frugally, but not ridiculously.

Let’s live frugally, but not ridiculously. Let’s make smart financial decisions that don’t drive us crazy.