The Efficiency Puzzle: How Advisors Can Boost Productivity Without Tech

Discover how financial advisors can boost their efficiency without relying on technology alone, including seven key strategies to implement in your practice.
The Efficiency Puzzle: How Advisors Can Boost Productivity Without Tech
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Boosting Efficiency Without Technology

As financial advisors, we’ve all heard it before: technology is the key to unlocking greater efficiency in our practices. And while it’s undeniable that innovative software and tools can streamline our workflows and improve our bottom line, it’s not the only piece of the puzzle.

In fact, a recent discovery by Adviser Ratings enjoying profits above 10 per cent found that over seven in 10 advice practices that embrace technology are enjoying profits above 10 per cent. But what about those who haven’t yet adopted these tools? Can they still achieve greater efficiency without breaking the bank on tech?

The answer, according to Business Health principal Tony Stephens, is a resounding yes. “Software plays a very important role, but it’s just one part of the efficiency puzzle. Tech, by itself, won’t propel you to the highest levels of efficiency,” he writes.

Efficiency Finding new ways to boost efficiency

So what can advisors do to boost their efficiency without relying on technology alone? According to Stephens, there are seven key strategies to try:

  • Understand the multiplier effect: By focusing on high-leverage activities that have a disproportionate impact on your practice, you can achieve more with less effort.

  • Ensure the right people are doing the right things: Make sure your team is working to their strengths and delegating tasks effectively.

  • Filter prospects before the adviser gets involved: By pre-qualifying leads, you can save time and energy on unfruitful meetings.

  • Ensure client engagement: By keeping clients engaged and informed, you can reduce the likelihood of misunderstandings and miscommunications.

  • Outsource what you don’t have internally: Don’t be afraid to bring in outside expertise when you need it.

  • Carve out weekly priorities: By focusing on the most important tasks each week, you can stay on track and avoid distractions.

  • Decide what is important and what is urgent: By prioritizing tasks based on their urgency and importance, you can make the most of your time.

Time management Prioritizing tasks for maximum efficiency

By implementing these strategies, advisors can boost their efficiency without relying on technology alone. Of course, tech still has its place in the puzzle, but by focusing on these non-tech strategies, you can achieve greater productivity and profitability in your practice.