The Great Petrol Price Rip-Off: 5 Ways to Save Money on Fuel This Summer

With petrol and diesel prices surging to record highs, it's becoming increasingly difficult to afford the fuel we need to get where we want to go. But don't despair - there are ways to save money on fuel, even in these difficult times.
The Great Petrol Price Rip-Off: 5 Ways to Save Money on Fuel This Summer

The Great Petrol Price Rip-Off: 5 Ways to Save Money on Fuel This Summer

As we head into the summer months, many of us are looking forward to hitting the open road and enjoying the great outdoors. But with petrol and diesel prices surging to record highs, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to afford the fuel we need to get where we want to go.

Paying at the pump

According to the RAC, retailers’ margins are far higher than they should be, with prices failing to fall in line with the reduction in wholesale costs. This means that drivers across the UK are losing out, paying far more for their fuel than they need to.

But don’t despair - there are ways to save money on fuel, even in these difficult times. Here are five top tips to help you cut your costs and keep your hard-earned cash in your pocket.

1. Check Your Tyre Pressure

Maintaining the correct tyre pressure is essential for vehicle efficiency. Underinflated tyres can lower mileage and increase fuel usage, so make sure to check your pressure at least once a month. Proper inflation improves vehicle safety and extends the life of your tyres, so it’s a win-win.

2. Keep Your Windows Closed

When driving at speeds over 40mph, keeping your windows closed can reduce aerodynamic drag and improve fuel efficiency. It may not seem like much, but every little helps when it comes to saving money on fuel.

3. Turn Off the Air Conditioning

Air conditioning can increase fuel consumption by using significant engine power. So, try opening your window to cool down when you first get in the car, and then switch to air conditioning when you’re driving at higher speeds. This simple trick can make a big difference to your fuel costs.

4. Avoid Idling

An idling engine burns fuel without moving, which is a complete waste of petrol and increases wear and tear on your engine. So, try to turn off your engine during prolonged stops, and avoid idling whenever possible.

5. Remove Unnecessary Weight

Extra weight in your vehicle causes it to consume more fuel, so try to remove any unnecessary items from your boot or back seat. This simple trick can improve your car’s miles per gallon and save you money on fuel.

Clear out your car to save fuel

By following these five simple tips, you can save money on fuel and keep your hard-earned cash in your pocket. So, next time you’re filling up at the pump, remember - every little helps, and these tips can make a big difference to your fuel costs.