The Importance of Proper Food Storage: Reducing Waste and Saving Money

Learn how to reduce food waste and save money by implementing proper food storage techniques and adopting a more frugal lifestyle.
The Importance of Proper Food Storage: Reducing Waste and Saving Money
Photo by Katherine Chase on Unsplash

World Food Safety Day: The Importance of Proper Food Storage

As we celebrate World Food Safety Day on June 7th, it’s essential to address the critical issue of proper food storage. Inadequate food storage leads to significant food waste and financial loss for households everywhere. In South Africa alone, approximately 10.3 million tonnes of food intended for consumption are lost each year due to improper storage practices.

Proper food storage is crucial for maintaining freshness and reducing waste.

According to Carol Guedes, Head of Sales at LG Electronics South Africa, storing food in the right spots in the fridge at the right temperatures can help it stay fresh longer, reducing waste and saving money. “Storing food in the right places in the fridge at the right temperatures can make it stay fresh for longer, which means less food gets thrown away,” says Guedes. This not only keeps food tasting better but also helps reduce food waste, which is beneficial for both people and the environment.

Why Proper Food Storage Matters

Proper food placement within the fridge is essential for several reasons:

  • Maintaining Freshness and Nutritional Value: Correct storage helps food retain its freshness and nutritional quality.
  • Preventing Cross-Contamination: Raw foods can spread harmful bacteria to ready-to-eat items, posing serious health risks.

Refrigerators play a vital role in keeping food safe by slowing down the growth of harmful bacteria. However, it’s not just about keeping food safe; it’s about optimizing the storage conditions to prolong freshness and reduce waste.

Tips for Effective Food Storage

  • Raw Meat, Poultry, and Seafood: Always keep these on the bottom shelf to prevent their juices from contaminating other foods. Use sealed containers or plastic bags to minimize contact and contain any leaks.
  • Dairy Products: Store milk, cheese, and yoghurt on the upper shelves where the temperature is more consistent. The door shelves are usually the warmest part of the fridge, so keep condiments and juices there instead of perishable items.
  • Eggs: Keep eggs in their original carton on a middle shelf to protect them from temperature fluctuations and to prevent them from absorbing strong odours and flavours from other foods.
  • Fruits and Vegetables: Use separate drawers for fruits and vegetables to prevent ethylene gas from spoiling vegetables faster. Not all fruits and vegetables require refrigeration; tomatoes, potatoes, onions, and some fruits are best kept at room temperature.
  • Leftovers: Allow leftovers to cool completely before refrigerating to avoid increasing the fridge’s overall temperature. Cover them properly and consume within a few days.
  • Wine Storage: Use a dedicated wine rack inside the fridge. LG’s latest side-by-side refrigerator includes a built-in wine rack and features like linear cooling technology to maintain a consistent temperature, preserving wine’s flavour and aroma.
  • Avoid Overfilling: A cluttered fridge restricts air circulation, leading to uneven cooling and faster food spoilage.

Economic Context: Reducing Living Costs

Amidst rising costs and economic pressures, proper food storage is a crucial aspect of managing household expenses. The SA Reserve Bank’s recent interest rate hike to 7.75% exacerbates the financial pinch for South African consumers. With grocery costs increasing significantly, finding ways to reduce waste and save money is more important than ever.

Broader Tips for Saving Money

  • Bulk Buying: Purchase non-perishable items in bulk to save money over time.
  • Frugality: Cancel unused subscriptions and consider buying second-hand items.
  • Carpooling and Efficient Driving: Save on fuel costs by carpooling and improving driving habits.
  • Energy Efficiency: Use energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs, and adopt habits to reduce electricity usage.
  • Meal Planning: Create a weekly menu and a monthly shopping list to avoid impulse purchases and take advantage of supermarket specials.
  • Insurance and Medical Aid: Review and optimize insurance policies to reduce premiums and consider alternative medical aid structures for cost-effective benefits.

By implementing these practical tips and making informed decisions about food storage and overall spending, households can significantly reduce waste, save money, and cope better with the rising cost of living.

Reducing food waste is crucial for saving money and the environment.

Proper fridge organization can help reduce food waste and save money.