The No Spend Year: A Comedy of Savings with Kel Galavan

Discover the whimsical world of money-saving with Kel Galavan, aka Mrs. Smart Money. Unveil the secrets to financial freedom through satire and humor!
The No Spend Year: A Comedy of Savings with Kel Galavan

The Ultimate Guide to Saving Money: A Satirical Take

In a world where every penny counts and expenses keep rising, the art of saving money can seem like an elusive dream. But fear not, for we have a savior in the form of Kel Galavan, also known as Mrs. Smart Money. This financial guru has not only talked the talk but walked the walk by embarking on a daring adventure known as the No Spend Year in 2019. With savings exceeding a whopping €27,000, it was truly a year to remember.

Kel’s Money-Saving Tips Unveiled

Tip 1: Switch Utilities

Ah, the thrill of switching utilities! Gas, energy - you name it, we need it. Kel reminds us that in Ireland, switching providers is as easy as pie. Just wait for that contract to end, and voila! You can save up to €616 by making the switch to Bord Gás. It’s like finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!

Tip 2: Cancel Subscriptions and Memberships

Subscriptions, the silent money drainers of our time. Kel advises us to bid farewell to those unused subscriptions and memberships. Whether it’s that forgotten gym pass or the dusty magazine subscription, it’s time to cut the cord and watch those savings soar!

Tip 3: Embrace No Spend Days

No Spend Days, the superheroes of frugality! Kel champions the art of appreciating what we have and finding joy in the simple things. From reading to hiking, these days are a reminder to slow down and savor life’s true treasures.

Energy Bill Hacks Unveiled

Tip 1: Dial Down the Thermostat

Who knew that adjusting the thermostat by a mere degree could lead to savings? Kel spills the beans on this energy-saving gem that not only cuts costs but also helps the environment. It’s a win-win!

Tip 2: Let the Sun Shine In

The power of good curtains should never be underestimated. Kel’s advice? Let the sunlight flood your home during the day and cozy up with closed curtains at night. It’s like a warm hug for your wallet!

Tip 3: Fridge and Freezer Wisdom

From fridge etiquette to freezer finesse, Kel covers it all. Remember, every second counts when that fridge door is open. And don’t forget to keep your fridge at the optimal temperature for maximum efficiency.

Join the 616 Challenge with Kel Galavan!

Bord Gás Energy and Mrs. Smart Money HQ are on a mission to help you achieve your savings goals. Starting from the 12th of March, dive into the 616 Challenge and unlock the secrets to smart switches and simple changes. Follow @bordgaisenergy and @mrssmartmoneyhq for a journey towards financial freedom!


With Kel Galavan as our guide, saving money has never been more exciting. From No Spend Days to energy bill hacks, the path to financial freedom is paved with clever tips and a dash of humor. So, gear up, embrace the challenge, and watch your savings grow!