The Surprising Way You're Wasting Money on Your Dishwasher

Discover the expert tips to loading your dishwasher correctly, saving you time and money in the long run.
The Surprising Way You're Wasting Money on Your Dishwasher

The Secret to Saving Time and Money on Your Dishwasher

Are you guilty of rushing through the process of loading your dishwasher, jamming whatever you can into any available space? You’re not alone. According to research from Hotpoint, one in 10 Brits avoid using their dishwasher altogether, fearing they’ll ruin their dishes. Others simply don’t know the most effective way to stack their dishwasher and make the most of the space.

Proper loading can save you time and money in the long run.

However, incorrectly stacking your dishwasher could be wasting money and reducing the chances of every single item coming out sparkling clean. Dmitry Letsman, dishwasher category manager at Hotpoint, shares his top tips for stacking a dishwasher.

“To prevent possible mishaps, it’s important to take the time to properly load your dishwasher. This can not only ensure that your dishes come out sparkling clean and in one piece, but it can also save you time and money in the long run.” - Dmitry Letsman

Scrape Off Excess Food

Before loading your dishwasher, make sure to scrape off excess food from plates and utensils to avoid it falling to the bottom of the machine. This simple step can make a big difference in the cleanliness of your dishes.

Put the Right Items on the Correct Shelves

Make sure to put the right items on the correct shelves. This will ensure that everything comes out clean and in one piece.

Dmitry Letsman’s expert tips can help you save money in the long run.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your dishwasher is running efficiently and effectively, saving you time and money in the long run.

Start Saving Today

Don’t let incorrect loading habits waste your time and money. Take the time to properly load your dishwasher and start saving today.

Proper loading can lead to significant savings over time.