The Wisdom of Age: Top Pieces of Advice from Over 45s

What would you tell your younger self? A recent poll of 2,000 adults over 45 reveals the top pieces of advice they would give to their younger selves, from believing in oneself to saving money each month.
The Wisdom of Age: Top Pieces of Advice from Over 45s

The Wisdom of Age: Top Pieces of Advice from Over 45s

As we navigate the complexities of life, it’s natural to look back and think about what we would do differently if we had the chance. A recent poll of 2,000 adults over the age of 45 has revealed some valuable insights into what they would tell their younger selves.

Wisdom comes with age

The top pieces of advice from over 45s include believing in oneself, saving money each month, and trusting oneself more. These nuggets of wisdom are a testament to the importance of self-confidence and financial planning in achieving success.

‘Believe in yourself… you can do it.’ - A valuable lesson from those who have been around the block a few times.

In addition to these, other key takeaways include not comparing oneself to others, not letting someone talk you into doing something you don’t want to do, and not regretting past decisions. These words of wisdom can be applied to various aspects of life, from career development to personal relationships.

The importance of financial planning

The poll also highlighted the importance of having a mentor, with 17% of respondents stating that having one would have helped them get a better start in their career. Furthermore, 23% felt that they stayed in a job too long, emphasizing the need for self-reflection and career growth.

Mentorship: a key to success

In conclusion, the wisdom of age is invaluable, and these pieces of advice can serve as a guiding light for those looking to improve their lives. By believing in oneself, saving money, and trusting oneself, individuals can set themselves up for success and achieve their goals.

The key to success