5 Simple Ways to Slash Your Energy Bills

Discover the five appliances you should always switch off to save energy and trim your energy bill. Learn how to make small changes to your daily habits to save money and reduce your energy consumption.
5 Simple Ways to Slash Your Energy Bills
Photo by Mathieu Turle on Unsplash

Effortless Ways to Trim Your Energy Bill!

As we welcome the warmer summer weather and longer evenings, it’s a relief to turn off the central heating and dry clothes outside, rather than relying on heated clothes airers or the tumble dryer. But did you know that you could be saving even more energy (and money) by switching off certain appliances when not in use?

According to the Energy Saving Trust, a household could typically save £60-£70 a year just by switching off ‘vampire devices’ - so named because they drain power when left on standby mode.

Here are five appliances you could be switching off when not in use to save money on your energy bills:

1. Smart Speakers/Smart Home Devices

Leaving your smart speakers or smart home devices on standby can add up to a significant amount of energy waste over time. Make it a habit to switch them off when not in use.

Smart home devices can be a significant energy drain when left on standby.

2. Set Top Boxes and Recorders

Set top boxes and recorders are another common culprit when it comes to energy waste. Switch them off when not in use to avoid unnecessary energy consumption.

A set top box left on standby can waste a significant amount of energy.

3. TVs

TVs are another appliance that can drain energy when left on standby. Make it a habit to switch them off when not in use.

A TV left on standby can waste a significant amount of energy over time.

4. Microwave

Microwaves are another appliance that can drain energy when left on standby. Switch them off when not in use to save energy and money.

A microwave left on standby can waste a significant amount of energy over time.

5. Phone, Tablets, Computers, and Laptops on Charge

Leaving your phone, tablets, computers, and laptops on charge for extended periods can waste energy. Try to develop a habit of switching them off or unplugging them when fully charged.

A phone left on charge for extended periods can waste a significant amount of energy.

By switching off these five appliances when not in use, you can save a significant amount of energy and money on your energy bills. Make it a habit to switch them off today and start saving!

‘A small change in habit can lead to a significant change in your energy bills.’